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Pep Rally on Friday
The time of the Pep Rally scheduled for Friday, October 1st has been changed to be held during the instructional day for Primary and Intermediate. Primary and Intermediate Students will not attend the Pep Rally tomorrow. Please plan on picking up your elementary student at regular dismissal time. We will re-evaluate each week as to whether or not elementary students will be allowed to attend. Thank you for your understanding!
Parent Orientation 2021-2022
Week of 5/3-5/7
Complete Math homework sheet
Study spelling words
*Fill in Reading log- Our reading logs will look different the next two weeks. Starting today, 1st and 2nd graders will begin the Knights of Pythias Reading Contest. A note went home with your child today explaining all the details of the contest. They may read any book you have at home or they may check out one of the classroom books if they don’t have access to books at home. We will not be sending home guided reading books for the remainder of the school year so that we can do inventory. Please check and make sure your that child has returned all their books.
This Friday will be our last spelling test for the year. Our words this week are high frequency/word wall words:
- should
- anything
- about
- almost
- whole
- begin
- seen
- them
- know
- first
- use
- under
- down
- more
- other
We will be spiraling concepts we have learned throughout the year.
We will model, create and describe multiplication situations in which equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined. We will also be reviewing for our math benchmark that we will take on Thursday.
May 11th: Penick Park Day 9:00-1:00.
May 18th: Early Release at 11:30
May 19th: Last day of school, Early Release at 11:30
Week of 4/26-4/30
Read 20 minutes each night and fill in reading log
Complete Math Homework sheet
Study Spelling words
We will demonstrate and apply spelling knowledge by learning the final stable syllable. A final stable syllable is part of a word that always comes at the end of the word. It is always stable or reliable in its pronunciation and spelling. (Ex. can -dle, gig -gle)
Our words this week are:
- little
- circle
- cycle
- rubble
- puddle
- ruffle
- sparkle
- title
- purple
- candle
- people*
- children*
- favorite*
*High Frequency/Word Wall Words
This week we will learn and read about the life cycle of a plant and identify the basic needs of a plant. We will also observe and compare how the physical characteristics of plants help them meet their basic needs such as stems carry water throughout the plant.
We will compose 3D shapes with given properties or attributes, learning how many faces (flat surfaces), edges and vertices (corners) each one has.
April 29th: Field Day- 12:20-2:20 (I will have a parent sign out sheet if you would like to take your child home after field day. Please make sure you sign the sheet, that will be with me, by your child’s name so that I know your child is with you at the end of the day.)
May 13th: Field Trip/Penick Park 9:00-1:00
The note below went home last week with end of the year information.
May 18th: Early Release at 11:30
May 19th: Early Release at 11:30- Last Day of School
Week of 4/19-4/23
Read 20 minutes each night and fill in reading log
Complete Math Homework Sheet by Friday
Study Spelling Words each night
We will demonstrate and apply spelling compound words. A compound word is two words put together to make a new word. Our words this week are:
- rainbow
- sailboat
- doghouse
- backyard
- toothbrush
- railroad
- everything
- sometimes
- baseball
- afternoon
- enough*
- does*
- great*
*High frequency/Word Wall words
We are learning that adaptation is anything that helps an animal or plant survive in its habitat whether through camouflage, migration, hibernation, the size of the leaf or how deep the root is in the ground as well as being able to hold water for long periods of time.
We will create 2D shapes based on given attributes, including number of sides and vertices. We will also classify and sort polygons with 12 or fewer sides according to attributes. A polygon is a shape with at least 3 or more sides, each side has to be straight (no curves) with vertices and be a closed figure.
April 29th: Field Day (a note will go home later with more information) Due to COVID restrictions parents and sibling will not be able to attend.
Week of 4/12- 4/16
Read 20 minutes each night and fill in Reading Log
Complete Math Homework sheet by Friday
Study Spelling Words each night
We will decode spelling words with inflectional ending such as: -er (meaning more), -est (meaning the most), – er (changing the meaning of the word- ex. teach – teacher). Our words this week are:
- farmer
- runner
- swimmer
- faster
- taller
- smallest
- biggest
- deepest
- slowest
- longest
- paper*
- together*
- friend*
*High Frequency/Word Wall Words
We are continuing our study on interdependence, habitats and lifecycles. Last week we learned about the desert habitat and how plants and animals depend on each other. This week we are learning about how plants and animals depend on each other to survive in a rainforest habitat.
This week we are continuing to determine a solution to a problem involving length by measuring in feet and yards. Last week we measured by centimeters and inches.
***Chocolate Frog Fundraiser end this Friday***
April 29th– Field Day (Notes will go home later with details) Due to COVID restrictions parents and sibling will not be able to attend.
Week of 3/29-4/2
Read 20 minutes every night and fill in reading log
Complete Math homework sheet by Thursday
Study Spelling Words
We will decode and spell words with using the prefixes:
dis- means not or the opposite of
re- means again
pre- means before
un- means not
- reuse
- replay
- reread
- dislike
- disloyal
- precook
- pretest
- unkind
- untie
- unhappy
- other*
- people*
- more*
*High frequency/Word Wall Words
We will recognize characteristics and structures of informational text including features and graphics to locate and gain information. We will gain a basic understanding of what a food chain is and how plants and animals depend on each other for survival. We will also learn the difference between a producer and a consumer.
We will continue to use concrete models to count fractional parts beyond one whole using words and recognize how many parts it takes to equal one whole. We will also identify examples and non-examples of halves, fourths, and eighths.
April 1st- Easter Party and Egg Hunt
April 2nd- Good Friday- Holiday
April 5th- Holiday- No school
Week of 3/22-3/26
Read for 20 minutes each night and fill in reading log
Complete math homework sheet by Friday
Study Spelling words each night
This week we will decode and spell words with silent letters (ghost letters- kn, gn, wr). Our words this week are:
- know
- knock
- knew
- knee
- write
- wrap
- wrist
- wrote
- gnaw
- gnat
- first*
- through*
- things*
*High Frequency/Word Wall Words
We will identify and demonstrate how to use, conserve, and dispose of natural resources and materials such as conserving water and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic and metal by learning about the 3 R’s- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
We will count fractional parts beyond a whole using words and recognize how many parts it takes to equal one whole. We will also identify examples and non-examples of halves, fourths, and eighths.
April 1st: Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Party (A note will be going home later this week.)
April 2nd: Good Friday (Holiday) No School
April 3rd: School Holiday- No School
We have still have not received confirmation from the photographer when Spring Picture Day will be rescheduled. As soon as the office has confirmation a note will go home.
Week of 3/8- 3/12
Read 20 minutes each night and fill in reading log
Complete math homework sheet and turn in on Friday
Study spelling words every night
Our words this week are just High Frequency/ Word Wall Words:
- even
- carry
- whole
- begin
- above
- seen
- end
- eat
- them
- gone
This week we are locating facts and reading non-fiction for a purpose. Our non-fiction study is about Polar Bears.
We are continuing to tell time to the minute on an analog clock.
March 15th- 19th: Spring Break