Hello Parents, welcome to my blog. This is my way of communicating with you about what we are doing in class every week. I will try to post on Monday what we will be doing for the entire week. Sometimes I get busy and may not get to it until Tuesday but I will do my best to post it on Monday.
Reading-For homework in my classroom your child will need to read a book and have their reading log signed every night. For these first few weeks your child will be reading a book of their choice. If may be a book from home or a book from my classroom. I tried to make sure that they picked a book that they were able to read from my classroom today. Since I have not started my assessment for reading yet, I’m not going to be able to know exactly what reading level your child is on. Please be patient with me as I conduct all my reading assessments. As soon as I am done with them then I will begin my Guided Reading groups and then your child will have a required and assigned reading book for them on their level.
Math– Beginning next week your child will have a math homework sheet that they will receive on Monday and will need to be completed and turned in by Friday. I know that we all have busy schedules and my not be able to do math every single night, that is why I pass the homework sheet out on Monday. This way you can choose what nights your child will be able to do their math homework. I do not care if it is all done on Monday night, a little bit every night or do it all on Thursday night, as long as is it completed and turned in by Friday morning. I have provided a laminate Math Strategies sheet and an expo marker for your child if they need it to help them with their homework. I am slowly introducing these Math Strategies to your child in class for the next few weeks.
Our Focus for the Week- Lessons
Spelling/Phonics– I sent home with your child a note explaining how we do spelling in 2nd grade. On the back of that note is a list of 100 no excuse words that your child should already know how to read and spell. Please review and practice those words with your child for the next couple of weeks. There will be no spelling test for at least 3 weeks. When we get into our routine we will alternate spelling and a phonics skill every other week. When we do start our spelling we will write our spelling words for the week in our planners.
Reading– This week we are reading several different books together focusing on our feelings and CHAMPS behavior. For example, today we read “My Mouth is a Volcano”. The focus of this story is to learn how to wait our turn to talk and to not interrupt others. We need to learn how to keep our important words to ourselves and not “erupt” until the appropriate time. Other books we will be reading this week are: Spaghetti on a Hot Dog Bun, Molly Lou Melon, Do Unto Otters, What If Everybody Did That?, How to Lose All Your Friends and Have You Filled a Bucket Today?.
Math- We are learning about Math procedures for class, examples: Intentional Problem Solving, using our math journal and Number Talks. We are also learning about subitizing and how we can write a number in many different ways. This will help us add and subtract faster.