No Spelling Test this week
This week in phonics our focus will be the Long a vowel sound. I always tell my students that long vowel sounds are when a vowel says its name. These are the long a spelling rules we will be focusing on this week.
CVCE words ex. late, bake, shake; eigh words ex. eight, sleigh, weigh
ay words ex. play, way, stay; ai words ex. air, mail, rain
Our focus this week is Non Fiction and the attributes of a non fiction text. We will also compare Fiction vs. Non Fiction.
Attributes of a Non Fiction Text:
Real & Factual Information
Charts & Graphs
Labels & Captions
Table of Contents
Index & Glossary
Our focus this week is Odd and Even Numbers. We will learn what numbers are odd: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and what numbers are even: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
Reminders & Upcoming Events
Buckets for Belle– Just a reminder that all this week students are encouraged to donate money for Belle’s family to help with medical expenses. A note was sent home last week explaining what all the donations will be used for and to introduce Belle. Please consider making a donation and would also be a great lesson in showing compassion for others.
Homecoming Week- A friendly reminder that this is homecoming week. There are a lot of things going on this week. Students will be allowed to wear mums and garters to school on Friday. They will need to take them off when they are going to lunch, recess and peripheral classes.
Friday is early release at 1:15 so that students can go with family to the pep rally at the stadium. NO Boys & Girls Club
Saturday is the 5K and Fun Run as well as Roughneck Day activities.