We are learning that a contraction is formed by combining two words leaving out sounds and letters.
it + is = it’s
did + not= didn’t
We are continuing our unit on Fairy Tales. We have learned that a fairy tale is a story that has magical elements and a happily ever after. This week we will read various versions of The Little Red Hen, The Gingerbread Man, The Frog Prince, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs.
We have really been working hard on double digit subtraction with regrouping. We have several rhymes we use when determining if we need to regroup the ones place or not regroup.
1. If the numbers are the same, then zero is the game.
2. More on top, no need to stop.
3. If there’s more on the floor, go next door and get ten more. (This is the most important rhyme.)
January 21st- No school, MLK Day
January 23rd- Early Release at 11:30, teacher training