We are starting our 2nd Grade PBL and will continue for the next several weeks. In years past we have always done a recycling program but this year we decided to learn about animal lifecycles and how animals can help and impact our environment. Each class will be focusing on one particular animal, observing the animal through the lifecycle stages, researching habitats and environments of that animal and understanding how it contributes to helping our environment and how we can help them to survive. Our animal will be the caterpillar/butterfly.
Our driving question is: Why are animal habitats important and how can we positively impact them to better insure their survival?
For the next several weeks our focus will be telling time on an analog clock. Our end goal will be to learn how to tell time to the nearest minute. This week we will review telling time to the hour and half hour.
March 21st- Student Led Parent Conferences (Please check your child’s planner for your scheduled time.)
April 18th- Easter Parties/Egg Hunt (A note will be going home with information closer to the date.)
April 19th- Good Friday, Holiday (No School)
April 22nd- Holiday (No School)