This week in phonics we are learning about verbs. We know they can be action words or a state of being. (am, is are, was, were, be, being and been) In spelling we are still learning about long and short vowel sounds.
Here is our list of spelling words for the week:
1. rest
2. need
3. nine
4. happy
5. try
6. my
7. off
8. class
9. add
10. buzz
11. big*
12. came*
13. away*
*sight words
Our focus in reading this week is inferencing. We know that when we infer we are using the clues the book or story gives us + what we already know to figure out what the author is trying to tell us.
We are continuing to count a collection of coins. Today we learned a skill called “Hairy Money”. Quarters get 5 hairs, dimes get 2 hairs, nickels get 1 hair and pennies get a dot. Each hair is worth 5 and the dots are worth 1. This is by no means something that your child is required to use, however, it is something they may use if they are having trouble counting a collection of coins.
Important Dates
Sept. 19th- Fall Picture Day
Sept. 25th- Early Release @11:30 (Teacher Training)
Oct. 28th- Student Led Parent Conferences (A note will go home closer to the date)