We do not have a phonics lesson this week and so our spelling words are high frequency/ word wall words:
- again
- into
- said
- get
- was
- after
- what
- would
- going
- which
This week we are reading a nonfiction Magic Treehouse book titled Magic Treehouse Fact Tracker: Pilgrims to learn about the Pilgrims who sailed to the New World (the Americas) and landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. We are learning about a lot of interesting information to help us better understand the Pilgrims, Native Americans and that voyage on the Mayflower.
We are also reading a funny book titled Turkey Trouble about a turkey who didn’t want to be eaten by the family who raised him on their farm. He came up with all types of disguises to blend in with the other animals so that he would not be spotted. The students came up with our own disguises today for their turkeys. We had queens, unicorns, princess, a mili-turkey, a fisherman, Godzilla, a Power Ranger, a peacock, a ghost ninja, a cowgirl, a football player, a rainbow turkey, Yoshi and even a butcher. They did a great job and were very creative!
Our focus this week is double digit addition without regrouping. We will practice this all this week and then when we get back from Thanksgiving Break we will start learning about double digit addition with regrouping. (We called it carrying when I was in school.)
*There is no math homework this week.
November 18th- 22nd: This week we are doing “Coins for a Cause”. Please consider donating any loose change or money to help some very special ladies with their medical bills. We are also dressing up this week to help support the cause.
Monday– Wear your favorite team jersey or Roughneck Colors
Tuesday– Pajama Day: Wear dress code appropriate PJ’s
Wednesday– Wear a Hat
Thursday– Bring a stuffed animal (please make sure it is small enough to sit on a desk or be carried in a backpack)
Friday– Wear a Roughneck shirt
November 25th- 29th: Thanksgiving Break
December 19th: Seussical the Musical @ 9:00 am
December 20th: Class Christmas Parties (Time TBD)
December 23rd- January 6th: Christmas Break