Week of 2/24- 2/28

*Reminder that the Chocolate Candy Fundraiser ends tomorrow.*


Our focus this week will be words with “ou” or “ow”.  Our words this week are:

  1. down
  2. owl
  3. count
  4. town
  5. found
  6. brown
  7. cloud
  8. loud
  9. couch
  10. wow
  11. under *
  12. fast *
  13. use *

*High Frequency/Word Wall Words



We are continuing our unit on Poetry.  



We are continuing our study of Fractions.



February 26th: Early Release at 11:30 for teacher training

March 9th- 13th: Spring Break

March 16th: Student Holiday- Teacher Work Day

March 18th: Spring Picture Day

World Finest Chocolate Candy Fundraiser

Dear Parents and Friends,

Our chocolate fundraiser for the 2019-2020 school year has begun! The order forms were sent home in your child’s folder. The profits will help provide additional educational and instructional supplies. The order form and money must be turned in by Tuesday, February 25th!! We are so excited our chocolate fundraiser is back, and we hope you enjoy the “World’s Finest Chocolate!”

Week of 2/17-2/21


This week our spelling words will be words that have “oi” & “oy” in them.  Here is our list for this week:

  1. enjoy
  2. boy
  3. loyal
  4. join
  5. point
  6. choice
  7. annoy
  8. coin
  9. boys
  10. help *
  11. know *
  12. write *

*Word Wall/High Frequency Words



Our main focus this week will be poetry.  We will learn about different types of poetry such as: 5 senses, Haiku, Cinquain and Acrostic.



We will be learning about fractions this week.  Fractions are equal parts of a whole.  ex. 2/4= 2 out of 4 parts are shaded   We will also learn about numerators (NU= Never Under) and denominators (D=Always Down).



February 18th: Chocolate Candy Fundraiser Starts

February 25th: Chocolate Candy Fundraiser Ends

February 26th: Early Release at 11:30- Teacher Work Day

March 8th- 15th: Spring Break

March 16th: Student Holiday- Teacher Work Day

Week of 2/10- 2/14


Our focus this week is the letter “g” making two different sounds.  The hard “g” makes the “g” sound like in the word “game”.  The soft “g” makes the “j” sound like in the word “gym”, when “g” is followed by “e, i or y”. Here are our words for this week:

  1. gate
  2. gel
  3. goose
  4. gym
  5. giant
  6. get
  7. grow
  8. germ
  9. goat
  10. gentle
  11. behind *
  12. why *
  13. good *

*Hight frequency/word wall words



We are learning about Tall Tales this week.  A Tall Tale is a fiction story that stretches the truth. 

Elements of a Tall Tale:

  1. The main character has a regular job but is larger than life in their abilities
  2. Details are exaggerated beyond belief
  3. Problem are solved in a humorous way
  4. The characters use everyday language and are common people in behavior

Tall Tale characters we will be reading about include: Annie Oakley, Calamity Jane, John Henry, Davy Crocket, Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. 



Our focus this week will be multi-step word problems.  Usually our multi-step problems will include an addition problem and a subtraction problem.  

Ex.   Mrs. Wheeton had 43 blue pencils and 25 red pencils.  She gave 36 pencils to the teacher across the hall.  How many pencils does Mrs. Wheeton have now?   

43+25= 68                     68-36= 32



February 14th: Valentine Party at 12:00- 1:00 (You may sign your child out after the party, in the classroom.)

February 17th:  Presidents Day- School Holiday

February 26th:  Early Release at 11:30for Teacher Work Day


Week of 2/3- 2/7


Our focus this week is on the letter “c” and how it makes a hard sound (cat) and a soft sound (city).  If “c” is followed by a, o or u it makes a hard “c” sound.  If “c” is followed by e, i or y it makes the soft “c” sound.

  1. carry
  2. cent
  3. city
  4. place
  5. circle
  6. cute
  7. nice
  8. cooking
  9. face
  10. cold
  11. year
  12. down
  13. become



We are learning about Folktales this week. 


  • Are based on the traditions and beliefs of people
  • Were originally told orally
  • Usually teach a lesson
  • Often use animal characters to symbolize of represent human qualities
  • Repetition is used frequently



We are continuing double digit subtraction with regrouping as well as 3 digit subtraction with regrouping.  



February 14th:  Valentine Class Parties 12:00- 1:00

February 17th: Holiday- President’s Day (No School)

February 26th: Early Release – Teacher Training

March 9th-13th: Spring Break

March 16th: Student Holiday- Teacher Workday