Week of 2/3- 2/7


Our focus this week is on the letter “c” and how it makes a hard sound (cat) and a soft sound (city).  If “c” is followed by a, o or u it makes a hard “c” sound.  If “c” is followed by e, i or y it makes the soft “c” sound.

  1. carry
  2. cent
  3. city
  4. place
  5. circle
  6. cute
  7. nice
  8. cooking
  9. face
  10. cold
  11. year
  12. down
  13. become



We are learning about Folktales this week. 


  • Are based on the traditions and beliefs of people
  • Were originally told orally
  • Usually teach a lesson
  • Often use animal characters to symbolize of represent human qualities
  • Repetition is used frequently



We are continuing double digit subtraction with regrouping as well as 3 digit subtraction with regrouping.  



February 14th:  Valentine Class Parties 12:00- 1:00

February 17th: Holiday- President’s Day (No School)

February 26th: Early Release – Teacher Training

March 9th-13th: Spring Break

March 16th: Student Holiday- Teacher Workday