Our focus this week is on the letter “c” and how it makes a hard sound (cat) and a soft sound (city). If “c” is followed by a, o or u it makes a hard “c” sound. If “c” is followed by e, i or y it makes the soft “c” sound.
- carry
- cent
- city
- place
- circle
- cute
- nice
- cooking
- face
- cold
- year
- down
- become
We are learning about Folktales this week.
- Are based on the traditions and beliefs of people
- Were originally told orally
- Usually teach a lesson
- Often use animal characters to symbolize of represent human qualities
- Repetition is used frequently
We are continuing double digit subtraction with regrouping as well as 3 digit subtraction with regrouping.
February 14th: Valentine Class Parties 12:00- 1:00
February 17th: Holiday- President’s Day (No School)
February 26th: Early Release – Teacher Training
March 9th-13th: Spring Break
March 16th: Student Holiday- Teacher Workday