Parents and Guardians,
New grade level at-home learning packets are available to pick up at White Oak Primary. This packet is for the next two weeks. They can be picked up daily between 8:00 am until 6:00 pm inside the Primary entrance door.
Parents and Guardians,
New grade level at-home learning packets are available to pick up at White Oak Primary. This packet is for the next two weeks. They can be picked up daily between 8:00 am until 6:00 pm inside the Primary entrance door.
Covid-19 Update (April 17, 2020)
White Oak Independent School District
As many are aware, today Governor Abbott officially closed Texas school districts for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. While he has outlined a process for ‘slowly’ opening the Texas economy, it was determined that keeping school districts closed was in the best interest of the state from a medical and scientific standpoint.
What does this mean for White Oak ISD?
We appreciate your continued support of White Oak ISD during these very challenging times.
Brian Gray-Superintendent of Schools
White Oak ISD
Parents and Guardians,
We have new work packets available for PK, K, 1st, and 2nd grades for April 13-24. These packets will be available for pick-up everyday, M-F, from 8:00-6:00 at the Primary drop-off/pick-up location.
We have made a digital parent input form for you to fill out for the 2020-2021 school year for students entering K-2. This gives you an opportunity to tell us about your child! You can submit a form for each of your children. Please fill this out by Monday, April 20th. Click HERE to begin.
Parents and Guardians,
We have made a digital parent input form for you to fill out for the 2020-2021 school year. This gives you an opportunity to tell us about your child! You can submit a form for each of your children. Please fill this out by Monday, April 20th. Click HERE to begin.
*This will not include students who are currently in 2nd Grade going into 3 Grade. This is only for Primary students for the 2020-2021 school year.
Hello! I hope everyone is having a great week so far. I wanted to try and connect will all my students with a Zoom meeting on Thursday. I would like some feed back as to what time would work best for most of you. We can’t do 2:00 because of the daily reading that the school does on Zoom but maybe a time in the morning or after the daily reading. If Thursday doesn’t work for most of us we could also do Friday morning or a day next week. Just send me a message or email me and let me know. Mrs. Bradley is going to join us as well.
Per Mr. Gray:
Parents and Guardians,
We have promised to always provide you the most up-to-date information. We are continuously looking for way to keep everyone’s health and safety a top priority. With that being said, it has been decided that parents should keep packets at home until further notice. This alleviates the need for parents to leave to have to leave their home in order to turn in their child’s work. Please hold on to any work your child completes as we will love to see all of it when we are back together again. We appreciate all of the support you are giving to continue the learning process of our students. You may still bring the Hospital Hero notes to the Primary Lobby and drop them off in the drop off box.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Prior to leaving for spring break, White Oak Primary completed our “World’s Finest Chocolate” fundraiser. We had plans to have the chocolate delivered and distributed to students the first week of April. As we all know, all of our systems have changed or stopped due to the COVID 19 pandemic. We have paid for the chocolate and it is being held for us in a climate-controlled warehouse. The safety of our staff, students, and community is our top priority. We cannot have the chocolate delivered from our distributor in Shreveport until restrictions have been lifted and it is safe for our employees and you to handle the shipments. You will get your products as soon as it is deemed safe to distribute and/or school has resumed. Thank you for understanding. We apologize for any hardship this may cause.
Claire Koonce
Stephanie Bradley
Parents and Guardians,
We greatly appreciate the work you are doing at home with our students. Our teachers have worked really hard to supply work and resources by SeeSaw and through packets. Our intent is not for this to be overwhelming to you. It is for the “continuity of the educational process.” Please do not feel as if your child must complete the paper packets and Seesaw work each week. If you are able to access Seesaw and can do the work presented there, you do not have to have your child complete a paper packet. Please do what works for your family and your situation. There have been a few questions about grading. Packets and Seesaw work that is completed at home will not be graded. We are asking for paper packets that are completed to be returned so that we can evaluate work done at home. The work done through Seesaw is being viewed frequently. Promotion and retention will not be based on the work done while our students are at home. If you have questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or Mrs. Bradley at [email protected].
Parents, since Seesaw is new to the students as well as for you and me, your child may need help following the directions on some of the assignments. Please monitor your child’s work to make sure they understand what is required of them. If they do not follow the directions step by step carefully I will leave a comment on their assignment to redo it or to reread and follow the directions carefully. Please know that I don’t expect them to have all the right answers or for you to have them redo because an answer is incorrect but I do have expectations that they follow the directions and do everything that is asked of them in the assignment. Thank you to those who are monitoring your child’s work and who help them with their assignments, it is very much appreciated! Thank you for all your help and hard work because I know juggling work and school from home is not easy.