Week of 9/21-9/25


They need to practice their spelling words daily

Read for 20 minutes every night and sign their reading log (It is very important that they read every night!)

Math Homework Sheet due Friday



Our focus this week is Blends.  Our words are:

  1. sky
  2. skip
  3. spot
  4. trash
  5. clap
  6. swim
  7. flip
  8. grill
  9. slide
  10. string
  11. them*
  12. because*
  13. from*

*High Frequency/Word Wall Words



We will be learning about the Text Features of a Non-fiction book and compare Fiction vs. Non-ficiton.



Our focus this week will be Even/Odd numbers and knowing which numbers are odd and which numbers are even. We will also be reviewing for our Math Benchmark test that is coming up toward the end of the 9 weeks.



September 23rd– Early Release at 11:30 for teacher training (Buses will run their normal route at 11:30 as well as car pick up, if your child will be going home a different way that day, please send a note in your child’s planner.)


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