Read 20 minutes each night and sign reading log
Complete math homework sheet-due Friday
Study Spelling words for test on Friday
We are continuing our previous lesson about Bossy “R”. Last time we learned how “r” can change the way a vowel sounds. We have already learned and practiced words with “ar” and “or”. This week our words will have “ir”, “ur” and “er”.
- her
- paper
- chirp
- birthday
- purple
- turn
- fern
- verb
- girl
- stir
- over*
- their*
- here*
*Word Wall/High Frequency Words
We are continuing our lesson on Author’s Purpose or “P.I.E”. Our focus will be on how an author tries to Persuade or Entertain a reader.
We are reviewing how to count a collection of coins.
December 17th: Early Release at 11:30
December 18th: Early Release at 11:30
December 21st- January 4th: Christmas Break