

Our focus this week is VCC word patterns with ending blends and digraphs.  We will also discuss the difference between a blend and a digraph. Our words this week are:

  1. last
  2. test
  3. list
  4. gift
  5. math
  6. sick
  7. think
  8. cash
  9. wing
  10. junk
  11. your *
  12. who *
  13. when *

*Word Wall Words



We are retelling important events in stories in logical order using Beginning, Middle and End. (Sequencing and summarizing) When retelling a story we will be using sequential order vocabulary such as First, Next and Finally.



Our focus this week is Inverse Operations (fact families) and Number Strings.  When solving number strings we are looking for two numbers that make 10, doubles or friendly numbers. 

Ex. 5+8+2=          6+2+6=

*Please continue working on counting a collection of coins.



September 25th- Early Release (Teacher Work Day) at 11:30  No Boys & Girls Club

October 5th- Monster Truck Fall Nationals

October 21st- No School, Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day)

October 28th- Student Led Parent Conferences

October 30th- Early Release (Teacher Work Day) at 11:30  No Boys & Girls Club

October 28th- November 1st: Red Ribbon Week (A note will go home later)


Week of 9/16-9/20


Our words this week are high frequency words or word wall words so there is no spelling rule.

  1. game
  2. goes
  3. anything
  4. give
  5. know
  6. many
  7. home
  8. live
  9. put
  10. something



Our focus this week is learning to retell a story with a Beginning, Middle and End.  The Beginning of the story introduces the characters and setting of the story, the Middle is where we find the problem in the story and the End is where we solve the problem.



We are finishing up counting a collection of coins up to $1.00.  Please continue counting a collection of coins at home as well as skip counting by 5’s and 10’s.  We are also starting financial literacy this week as well, learning when to spend and when to save. 



Sept. 19th- Fall Picture Day

Sept. 25th- Early Release @11:30 (Teacher Training)- No Boys & Girls Club

Oct. 28th- Student Led Parent Conferences (A note will go home closer to the date)


Week of 9/9-9/13


This week in phonics we are learning about verbs.  We know they can be action words or a state of being. (am, is are, was, were, be, being and been) In spelling we are still learning about long and short vowel sounds.  

Here is our list of spelling words for the week:

1. rest

2. need

3. nine

4. happy

5. try

6. my

7. off

8. class

9. add

10. buzz

11. big*

12. came*

13. away*

*sight words



Our focus in reading this week is inferencing.  We know that when we infer we are using the clues the book or story gives us + what we already know to figure out what the author is trying to tell us.



We are continuing to count a collection of coins.  Today we learned a skill called “Hairy Money”.  Quarters get 5 hairs, dimes get 2 hairs, nickels get 1 hair and pennies get a dot.  Each hair is worth 5 and the dots are worth 1. This is by no means something that your child is required to use, however, it is something they may use if they are having trouble counting a collection of coins.


Important Dates

Sept. 19th- Fall Picture Day

Sept. 25th- Early Release @11:30 (Teacher Training)

Oct. 28th- Student Led Parent Conferences (A note will go home closer to the date)

Week of 9/2- 9/6

I apologize for just now posting on my blog.  With it being a short week and being out yesterday, I wasn’t able to post until today.


We are learning that a noun is either a person, place or thing.  We are also learning the difference between a common noun and a proper noun. We are still learning about short and long vowel sounds and our focus is long vowels with the “tricky” or “silent” e.  Our words for spelling this week are:

  1. make
  2. nice
  3. pride
  4. joke
  5. bone
  6. wave
  7. write
  8. drive
  9. mine
  10. huge
  11. after*
  12. I’m*
  13. been*

* sight words



Our focus this week is learning about Plot and the elements that make up a plot in a story. We’ve been reading Kevin Henkes books to help us learn about plot.



We are starting our unit on coins and how to count a collect of coins up to $1.00.

Please work with your child on skip counting by 5’s and 10’s.  This will help them learn to count coins faster and it will make it much easier for them.  We are starting to learn a few strategies to help with counting coins and I will post next week the strategies we have learned so far.


Important Information

Sept. 19th – Fall Pictures

Sept. 25th- Early Release @ 11:30 for teacher training.


Week of 8/26-8/30

Hello!  Welcome to my blog!  I will be posting what we will be learning for Spelling/Phonics, Reading and Math each week.  I will also be posting any important information or dates that will be coming up.  As always, if you ever have any questions, or need clarification about something, don’t hesitate to ask by sending me an email, writing a note in the planner or leaving me message at 903-291-2155.


We will take our first spelling test on Friday.  I will be sending a note home tomorrow explaining a little bit about how our spelling test will work this year.

Our focus will be short and long vowel sounds using the “silent” or “tricky” e.  These are our words for this week:

  1. cap
  2. mix
  3. stop
  4. dug
  5. met
  6. flag
  7. best
  8. note
  9. fine
  10. slide
  11. than*
  12. about*
  13. back*

*Our last 3 words are sight words.



We will be learning how to pick a good or “just right” book.  This is a skill that our students need to learn in order to be independent readers.  They need to know and understand how to choose a book that’s right for them, a book that they are able to read instead of  a book that might frustrated them.  We will learn, discuss and demonstrate the difference between what is a Real Reader vs. a Fake Reader.  We also took our first trip to the library today.



We will be reviewing “Ways to Make Ten” and “Doubles”.  These concepts will help when we start learning Number Strings :(5+4+6=  or  4+3+2+2=).  We will begin learning how to count a collection of coins in the next few weeks so please be practicing skip counting by 5’s and 10’s (not necessarily starting at 5 or 10).


Important Dates

Sept. 2- Labor Day (holiday) No School

Sept. 19th- Fall Picture Day

Sept. 25th- Early Release 11:30 (Teacher PLC)

Week of 5/13- 5/17

Field Trips
May 14th- Field Trip to Planetarium and Bergfeld Park in Tyler. Your child does not need to bring their backpack on that day. I will have a sign out sheet for those that would like to check out their child while we are at the park.

May 15th- Field Trip to Penick Park for a “Fun Day”. Your child will not need to bring their backpack on that day. I will have a sign out sheet for those that would like to check their child out from the park. Please make sure that your child wears sunscreen and has a bottle of water for them to drink at the park. It is going to be hot.

May 16th-17th- Your child will need to bring their backpack on those days because we will start sending supplies, folders and journals home. I will also be checking planners and reading logs as well. Friday will be our last day for reading logs.

Boys and Girls Club Only
May 17th is the last day for Boys and Girls Club. Please make sure you make other arrangements for transportation for the following week. I will need a note letting me know how they will be getting home on those days. If your child does not attend Boys and Girls Club you do not need to send a note.

Last Week of School
May 20th- Your child may bring a board game, puzzles and books to enjoy for game time and reading. A small stuffed animal and blanket is allowed for reading but it must fit in their backpack. We’d like to keep the board games and puzzles over night so they can enjoy them again on Tuesday but they will need to take their blankets and stuffed animals home. They will need their backpack.

May 21st- We will enjoy puzzles and board games again. They will need their backpack. This is also an early release day at 11:30.

May 22nd- Last Day of School! We will enjoy a movie and popcorn treat. You don’t need to bring anything! (No backpacks) It is also an early release day at 11:30.

Week of 5/7-5/11

The end of the year is fast approaching!! I will not be posting anymore weekly blogs of what we are doing in our different school subjects because we are reviewing for the end of the year. I will, however, continue to post about upcoming events and important things to remember.

Our last spelling test is this week. Here are our words:
1. end
2. left
3. us
4. never
5. last
6. are
7. have
8. their
9. other
10. people
11. find
12. use
13. know
14. our
15. place
16. number

Field Trip Money ($3.00) and Field Trip Permission slips are due tomorrow for the Planetarium.
I sent home another slip today for those who have not yet turned in a signed form. In order for your child to be able to go on the field trip we have to have permission for them to be able to travel on the bus.

We sent home another permission slip for our “Fun Day” Field Trip to Penick Park that needs to be signed and brought back tomorrow as well.

May 10th- CHAMPS Assembly with Pre-K
May 14th- Field Trip to Planetarium
May 15th- “Fun Day” Field Trip to Penick Park
May 21st- Early Release at 11:30
May 22nd- Early Release at 11:30 (Last Day of School)

Easter Egg Hunt

Due to the inclement weather, 2nd grade will be having their easter egg hunt in the elementary gym at 12:00. Parents who were planning on helping hide the eggs will need to be at the gym at 11:45. I will need a parent to come get the eggs from the classroom to take to the gym. If you were planning to help set up the classroom for the party still plan to come at 11:30. Thank you for all your help!

Week of 4/15-4/19

We do not have a spelling test this week, however, since this week and next week are short weeks I have given them their spelling words for the following week. We will take our test next Thursday, April 25th.
1. read
2. under
3. own
4. set
5. line
6. they
7. there
8. their
9. these
10. who
11. people
12. much
13. right
14. even
15. every
16. found

This week in Reading we are continuing our Read-A-Loud, Shared Reading chapter book. We are also writing fictional stories about Easter. There is no reading test this week due to a short week. We will take it next week.

Our focus this week is about 3D shapes. We learning about how many vertices, edges and faces each 3D shape has. There is no math test this week due to a short week. We will take it next week.

April 18th- Easter Parties at 12:00-1:00 (If you are planning on helping hide eggs or set up the classroom for the party, please plan to be at the school by 11:30.)
April 19th- Good Friday- No school
April 22nd- No School- School Holiday
April 26th- Field Day 12:15-3:00

Week of 4/8-4/12

We have a spelling test this week. Here are our words:

1. air
2. give
3. big
4. home
5. should
6. they
7. there
8. their
9. these
10. other
11. people
12. because
13. such
14. different
15. between
16. name

We are also reviewing nouns, verbs and adjectives this week as well.

We will be reading a couple of chapter books in class together this week to review inferencing and character traits.

Our focus this week will be 2D shapes. We will first identify if a 2D shape is a polygon by learning the 3 attributes of a polygon.
1. It is a closed figure.
2. It has straight lines.
3. It has at least 3 or more sides.

We will also learn the names of the polygons and how many sides and vertices each shape has.

April 18th- Easter Party/Egg Hunt at 12:00-1:00
April 19th- Holiday, Good Friday
April 22nd- School Holiday, No School
April 26th- Field Day at 12:15-3:00