Our focus this week is VCC word patterns with ending blends and digraphs. We will also discuss the difference between a blend and a digraph. Our words this week are:
- last
- test
- list
- gift
- math
- sick
- think
- cash
- wing
- junk
- your *
- who *
- when *
*Word Wall Words
We are retelling important events in stories in logical order using Beginning, Middle and End. (Sequencing and summarizing) When retelling a story we will be using sequential order vocabulary such as First, Next and Finally.
Our focus this week is Inverse Operations (fact families) and Number Strings. When solving number strings we are looking for two numbers that make 10, doubles or friendly numbers.
Ex. 5+8+2= 6+2+6=
*Please continue working on counting a collection of coins.
September 25th- Early Release (Teacher Work Day) at 11:30 No Boys & Girls Club
October 5th- Monster Truck Fall Nationals
October 21st- No School, Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day)
October 28th- Student Led Parent Conferences
October 30th- Early Release (Teacher Work Day) at 11:30 No Boys & Girls Club
October 28th- November 1st: Red Ribbon Week (A note will go home later)