

This week our focus will be contractions.  A contraction is a short way of saying what you need to say.  Don’t forget the apostrophe is the key. Here are our words for this week:

  1. you’ll
  2. didn’t
  3. I’m
  4. we’re
  5. they’re
  6. can’t
  7. you’re
  8. he’ll
  9. they’ll
  10. it’s
  11. able*
  12. give*
  13. today*

*Word Wall/High Frequency Words



We are learning about Fables this week.  A Fable is a story meant to teach a lesson.  It often has animal characters with human characteristics. The moral or lesson in the story is usually found at the end of the story.



Our focus in math this week is learning how to subtraction double digits with regrouping. (When we were growing up they called it borrowing.) We have several rhymes that we use to help us remember to regroup. 

  1. If the numbers are the same, then zero is the game.
  2. If there is more on the top, no need to stop.
  3. If there is more on the floor, then go next door and get ten more.  (This is the most important one.)



January 29th: Early Release at 11:30 (Teacher Training)

February 14th: Valentine Party at 12:00 (You may sign your child out in the classroom after the party. I will be sending home a note about the party, student’s names and Valentine’s bags next week.)

March 7th-15th: Spring Break


Week of 1/13-1/17


We are focusing on digraphs again this week (ph=f. ck=k).  Here are our words for this week:

  1. graph
  2. phone
  3. nephew
  4. chick
  5. thick
  6. kick
  7. snack
  8. when
  9. wheel
  10. white
  11. going*
  12. our*
  13. want*

*Word wall/high frequency words



We are continuing our study of Fairy Tales and Fairy Tale Elements.  This week we will read Cinderella and The Rough Face Girl, which is a different version of Cinderella.  We will compare/contrast the differences and similarities between those two stories. We will also be reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Goldilocks and the Three Martians.



This week we will focus on double digit subtraction without regrouping. We are preparing for double digit subtraction with regrouping for next week.



January 20th: MLK Day, No school

January 29th: Early Release for Teacher Training at 11:30

February 14th: Class Valentine’s Party at 12:00 (I will have a sign out sheet in the classroom if you would like to check your child out after the party.)



Week of 1/6-1/10

Welcome Back!! I hope everyone had a fun and restful break.  It is time to get back into the swing of things and finish out the year. We will be starting our CHAMPS Assemblies this Friday.  Our class will be the first class this year so we are responsible for the assembly on Friday.  If you would like to come watch please be there by 8:00.  Also please make sure that your child comes to school at 7:45 so I can make any last minute changes if necessary. 


This week our focus will be on digraphs.  Sometimes digraphs get confused with blends.  A blend is when 2 or more letters together make two or more sounds (st, sk, gl, etc.) and a digraph is when 2 or more letters together make one sound. (wh, sh, ch, th, etc.)

Here are our words for this week:

  1. pinch
  2. chin
  3. wash
  4. brush
  5. teacher
  6. kitchen
  7. dish
  8. ship
  9. three
  10. math
  11. with
  12. that
  13. what



This week we will be talking about New Year’s Resolutions. 

We will also be learning about the different elements of a fairy tale:

  1. Fantasy or make-believe
  2. Good character
  3. Evil characters
  4. Royalty is often portrayed
  5. Magical Elements
  6. May include objects, people, or events in 3’s
  7. Plot has a problem and solution
  8. Usually have happy endings
  9. May teach a lesson or demonstrate values



We are reviewing 2 digit addition with regrouping and 3 digit addition with regrouping.



January 9th: Report Cards go home

January 10th: CHAMPS Assembly 

January 20th: MLK Day- Holiday, No School

January 29th: Early Release Day for PLC Teacher Training 



Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party will be this Friday, December 20th at 9:00-10:00 am.  If you have been contacted to help with setting up for the party then plan to come around 8:30am. I will have a sign out sheet in my classroom where you may sign your child out when the party is over.  It is an early release day at 12:15 so there will be No Boys and Girls Club.

If your child has not brought their items for the Penny Christmas they have until Thursday to bring them. They need to bring an inexpensive item for each child in the classroom. A note went home last week explaining Penny Christmas and how many students are in the class.  

*No backpacks on this day

Seussical the Musical

Parents, don’t forget the 2nd Grade performance of Seussical the Musical is this Thursday, December 19th at 9:00 am.  Please come support our 2nd graders who have worked very hard these last couple of weeks.  Please have your child dress as a Whoo from Whoville. Mrs. Richey has asked that they wear Christmas colors: red, green or white.  You might want to look up ways to do hair and costumes on line.  Also remember that after the performance you may sign your child out.  I will have a sign out sheet with me in the cafeteria.  Please plan to not bring backpacks on the day of the performance or the day of our party.

Week of 12/16- 12/20

This week we will be doing different activities:

Tomorrow is Polar Express Pajama Day– don’t forget to wear school appropriate PJs.

There is no spelling test, math homework or reading homework.  If your child would still like to read a book every night they may write it in their planner.  



December 19th: Seussical the Musical at 9:00 (You may sign your child out after the program.)

December 20th: Class Christmas Parties at 9:00-10:00.  (There will be a sign out sheet in the classroom.) This is also an early release day at 12:15.

December 23rd- January 6th:  Christmas Break


Week of 12/9- 12/13


Our focus this week in phonics is r-controlled vowels or when “bossy r” makes the vowel change its sound, such as when a word has “ir”, “ur” or “er” in the word, it will make the “rrr” sound.  Our spelling words are all “R” controlled except for the word wall/high frequency words:

  1. her
  2. paper
  3. chirp
  4. birthday
  5. purple
  6. fern
  7. turn
  8. girl
  9. stir
  10. verb
  11. over*
  12. their*
  13. here*

*Word Wall/High Frequency Words



Our focus is Author’s Purpose: what is the author’s purpose or reason for writing.  

Last week our focus was how an author will try to Persuade the reader and this week our focus is how an author will write to Entertain us. Since we have had several lessons on nonfiction we discussed how nonfiction books are ways in which an author gives us information or tries to inform us.


Our focus in math last week and for this week is how to add double digit addition problems with regrouping (or carrying as we use to call it).  



December 17th: Polar Express PJ Day

December 19th: Seussical the Musical at 9:00 am – Dress like a Whoo from Whooville (You may sign your child out after the musical.)

December 20th: Class Christmas Party 9:00-10:00 am (You may sign your child out after the party. I will have a sign out sheet in the classroom.)

Early release at 12:15

Dec. 23rd- Jan. 6th: Christmas Break



Information for this Week

I apologize for not posting events for this week on Monday.  It’s hard to get back into the routine of things when you’re out for a week.  

If your child is reading Pirates Past Noon or Cam Jansen I did not send home any questions today.  They are to still read the assigned chapters but will not have the questions that go with them.  

Spelling Words for this Week:

  1. star
  2. arm
  3. marble
  4. smart
  5. shark
  6. sport
  7. short
  8. north
  9. born
  10. store
  11. ride
  12. don’t
  13. said



Dec. 19th: Seussical the Musical at 9:00 am (You may sign your child out after the program is over, if you would like.)

Dec. 20th: Class Christmas Parties 9:00-10:00 am (You may sign your child out after the party. I will have a sign out sheet in my classroom.)

If you are coming to help room mom’s set up for the party you may arrive at 9:30.

This is also an early release day at 12:15

Dec. 23rd- Jan. 6th: Christmas Break


Week of 11/18- 11/22


We do not have a phonics lesson this week and so our spelling words are high frequency/ word wall words:

  1. again
  2. into
  3. said
  4. get
  5. was
  6. after
  7. what
  8. would
  9. going
  10. which



This week we are reading a nonfiction Magic Treehouse book titled Magic Treehouse Fact Tracker: Pilgrims to learn about the Pilgrims who sailed to the New World (the Americas) and landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.  We are learning about a lot of interesting information to help us better understand the Pilgrims, Native Americans and that voyage on the Mayflower.

We are also reading a funny book titled Turkey Trouble about a turkey who didn’t want to be eaten by the family who raised him on their farm.  He came up with all types of disguises to blend in with the other animals so that he would not be spotted.  The students came up with our own disguises today for their turkeys.  We had queens, unicorns, princess, a mili-turkey, a fisherman, Godzilla, a Power Ranger, a peacock, a ghost ninja, a cowgirl, a football player, a rainbow turkey, Yoshi and even a butcher.  They did a great job and were very creative!



Our focus this week is double digit addition without regrouping.  We will practice this all this week and then when we get back from Thanksgiving Break we will start learning about double digit addition with regrouping.  (We called it carrying when I was in school.)

*There is no math homework this week.



November 18th- 22nd: This week we are doing “Coins for a Cause”.  Please consider donating any loose change or money to help some very special ladies with their medical bills.  We are also dressing up this week to help support the cause.

Monday– Wear your favorite team jersey or Roughneck Colors

Tuesday– Pajama Day: Wear dress code appropriate PJ’s

Wednesday– Wear a Hat

Thursday– Bring a stuffed animal (please make sure it is small enough to sit on a desk or be carried in a backpack)

Friday– Wear a Roughneck shirt


November 25th- 29th: Thanksgiving Break

December 19th: Seussical the Musical @ 9:00 am

December 20th: Class Christmas Parties (Time TBD)

December 23rd- January 6th: Christmas Break