Our focus this week is the Long O sound using words with “oa” & “ow”.
- coat
- snow
- soap
- grow
- road
- blow
- goal
- row
- toast
- know
- four*
- mother*
- where*
*Word Wall/high frequency word
Our discussion and focus this week will be about the Main Idea & Supporting details of a story or passage. Last week we learned about the Main Topic & the Smaller Topics of a nonfiction text.
Our focus the last two weeks has been about Place Value. Last week we discussed the ones & tens place. This week we will discuss the hundreds & thousands place. We are also learning the different way to represent a number.
November 22nd: Senior Citizens Luncheon- Secondary Cafeteria @ 12:30
November 25th-29th: Thanksgiving Break
December 19th: 2nd Grade Seussical the Musical @ 9:00 am
December 20th: Christmas Parties- Time TBD
December 23rd-January 6th: Christmas Break