Week of 10/26- 10/30


Read 20 minutes each day and sign reading log

Practice Spelling Words

Do Math homework sheet



Our words this week are only Word Wall/High Frequency Words:

  1. seen
  2. this
  3. would
  4. become
  5. very
  6. when
  7. little
  8. happy
  9. almost
  10. everything



This week we are learning about the Main Idea of a passage/topic or story and the key Supporting Details.



We are reviewing double digit addition and subtraction problems without regrouping.



Red Ribbon Week is this week.

October 28th: Early Release at 11:30 for Teacher Training

October 30th: Student-Led Parent/Teacher Conferences



10/19- 10/23


Read 20 minutes each night, answer questions and sign Reading Log

Study spelling words for test on Friday

Math homework sheet



Our phonics lesson this week is 4 different ways to spell words with the long i sound. (-y, -igh, -ie, i_e) Our words this week are:

  1. light
  2. flight
  3. sigh
  4. pie
  5. tie
  6. fly
  7. spy
  8. time
  9. dime
  10. bite
  11. what*
  12. was*
  13. very*

*Word Wall/High Frequency words



We are continuing our focus on Dialogue and knowing when a character is talking by locating quotation marks as well as speech bubbles.  We will also be focusing on reading with expression and confidence.  



This week we are learning how to subtraction 2 digit numbers without regrouping.



October 28th: Early Release at 11:30 for teacher training

October 30th:  Student-Led Parent/Teacher Conferences (We will Zoom at your designated time. If you have not already signed up, please click the link and sign up for a time on Sign Up Genius.)

Red Ribbon Week: October 26th-30th

Monday: Wear Red

Tuesday: Wear Red, White & Blue

Wednesday: Wear Your Favorite Team Jersey or T-Shirt

Thursday: Wear a Hat

Friday: Wear a Costume of Your Favorite Book Character


The White Oak Primary Read-A-Thon fundraiser began Monday, October 19th, and will continue through Sunday, October 25th. An instruction sheet was sent home last week with each student for this fundraiser. Please take time to read over this sheet, set up your child’s personal Read-A-Thon page online, and start asking for donations from family and close friends. Thank you for your help in making this fundraiser a success for your child and our school!


Week of 10/12-10/16


Reading: Read 20 minutes each night, answer a question from the back and have it signed

Spelling:  Practice spelling words every night

Math:  Work on Math Homework page



This week we are focusing on the oo making 2 different sounds.  Our words this week are:

  1. boot
  2. school
  3. food
  4. cook
  5. bloom
  6. look
  7. soon
  8. shook
  9. scoot
  10. good
  11. have*
  12. there*
  13. any*

*High Frequency/Word Wall Words



This week we are focusing on Dialogue and knowing when a character is talking by locating quotation marks.  We will also be focusing on reading with expression and confidence.  



In math we are learning how to add double digit numbers without regrouping and how to line the numbers on top of each other, making sure that the ones are in the ones place and the tens are in the tens place.  We are also working on our addition facts to help us add our double digit problems quicker.



October 19th: School Holiday- No School

October 28th: Early Release- Teacher Work Day

October 26th- 30th: Red Ribbon Week

Week of 10/5- 10/9


*Starting this week your child will need to bring a refillable water bottle to school.  The school will no longer be providing water bottles to those students who do not bring one.  We have a new touchless water bottle refill station for students to be able to refill their water bottles.  Due to COVID restrictions, students are not allowed to use water fountains.


Reading: Read 20 minutes each night, answer a question from the back and have it signed

Spelling:  Practice spelling words every night

Math:  Work on Math Homework page



This week we are focusing on the Long a vowel sound when the word has (ai) or (ay).  Our words this week are:

  1. play
  2. main
  3. say
  4. chain
  5. may
  6. wait
  7. gray
  8. trail
  9. tray
  10. rain
  11. into*
  12. just*
  13. could*

*High Frequency/Word Wall Words



We are continuing our study about Bats by reading nonfiction books and writing about Bats based on information we have learned.  We will also read Stellaluna, a fiction book about a bat named Stellaluna.  We will then compare Stellaluna and our nonfiction books about Bats to see how they are the same and how they are different.



This week we are learning how to solve word problems with a missing addend.  We are also reviewing all the math concepts that we have been working on this first 9 weeks of school.



October 19th: School Holiday- No School

October 28th: Early Release- Teacher Work Day