Week of 10/12-10/16


Reading: Read 20 minutes each night, answer a question from the back and have it signed

Spelling:  Practice spelling words every night

Math:  Work on Math Homework page



This week we are focusing on the oo making 2 different sounds.  Our words this week are:

  1. boot
  2. school
  3. food
  4. cook
  5. bloom
  6. look
  7. soon
  8. shook
  9. scoot
  10. good
  11. have*
  12. there*
  13. any*

*High Frequency/Word Wall Words



This week we are focusing on Dialogue and knowing when a character is talking by locating quotation marks.  We will also be focusing on reading with expression and confidence.  



In math we are learning how to add double digit numbers without regrouping and how to line the numbers on top of each other, making sure that the ones are in the ones place and the tens are in the tens place.  We are also working on our addition facts to help us add our double digit problems quicker.



October 19th: School Holiday- No School

October 28th: Early Release- Teacher Work Day

October 26th- 30th: Red Ribbon Week