Week of 10/21- 10/25


This week our focus will be on “oo” sounds and how there are 2 different sounds the “oo” can make.  Here are our words for this week:

  1. boot
  2. school
  3. food
  4. cook
  5. bloom
  6. look
  7. soon
  8. shook
  9. scoot
  10. good
  11. have*
  12. there*
  13. any*

*Word Wall/High Frequency Words



Our focus this week is Dialogue, what it looks like and sounds like when reading a story.  We will discuss how dialogue between two or more characters can be shown using speech bubbles and quotation marks or talking marks.  When a character is talking we read with more expression or use the correct expression.  Whether the character is just talking, yelling, asking a question or showing excitement.



For the next couple of weeks we will be learning about tally charts, bar graphs and picture graphs (pictographs).  This week we are learning how to collect data by conducting surveys, organizing our data or information using tally charts and then putting that information on a bar graph.  



October 28th: Student-Led Parent Conferences (Please make sure to sign up for a time on Sign Up Genius.) https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0d4ba5ad29a0fa7-fall

October 28th- November 1st: Red Ribbon Week (A note went home today with information about what we will be wearing each day that week.)

October 30th: Early Release at 11:30, Teacher PLC Training